Lentil salad

A very fresh tasting salad, perfect for a summer evening.

Butternut Squash soup

I delicious creamy soup. Even without the cream or cheese, the squash is very creamy of itself. Delicious with buttered toast.

Apple cinnamon cookies

This recipe uses the chocolate chip cookies as a base, but instead of chocolate we add apple chunks, and to finish it off we roll the dough balls in a ix of cinnamon and sugar.

Chocolate chip cookies

These cookies are soft gooey cookies. The base of this recipe can be used for other types of cookies as well. For example, substitute half or all of the chocolate chips with hazelnuts, soaked raisins or apple chunks.

Friese dumkes 

Just like Ginger Snaps these are spicy almost savory cookies, but instead of ginger it’s the anise as well as ginger that gives this cookie it’s unusual taste. The cookies originally comes from the Friesland area of the Netherlands, and aren’t widely known outside of that province. Originally it’s made with hazelnut, but it works … Read more